Sunday, January 13, 2008

Growing Up, Up, Up

The kids are growing up fast. We measured them over the holidays and they had grown an inch from when we previous marked their height two months earlier. Not only that but their vocabulary grows by leaps and bounds every week. They diligently conjugate their verbs and try to match the correct pronouns with their antecedent. Singing the ABC song is no longer satisfactory, they perpetually ask what words the letters spell whenever they see them in their quest to learn the alphabet. They know most of the letters and can recite words that begin with each letter...when they feel like it. Becoming two introduces an independence streak. They only want to do things when *they* want to. Kind of like our cat. Maybe they hang out together too much.

All in all I'm in awe of what kids go through bootstrapping themselves into the world. We all go through it, but watching it from the outside sure is enlightening.

As for the physically getting taller part...we have to remember their gene pool and they are rapidly gaining on Kellie's height so I suspect the inch every two months isn't going to continue. ;-)


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Isabella Logic

Kids say the cutest things. Isabella strung together a series of deductions starting with noticing the wind outside:

"It's windy outside, daddy"
"That means it's going to rain"
"That means I need my umbrella"
"That means we go zoom zoom in the car..."
" the aquarium."
"That means we'll see fishies"

The last time we went to the aquarium it was raining, we did use umbrellas, and we might have gone zoom, zoom. It's rained heaps since then and no mention of the fishies. Perhaps just wishful thinking.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy

Ever since they learned they could bounce on the bed, the girls have loved jumping up and down on things. Perhaps on par with their love of bouncing is their love of slides. There is an indoor bouncy castle center down the road. We took the girls to get their fill of jumping, sliding, and bouncing. Non-stop action ensued watching them climb ladders and slide down the biggest slides in sight. Weaving through obstacle courses jumping over, around, and through inflatable obstructions they never grew weary. Their tops really are made out of rubber, their bottoms made out of springs.