Monday, July 23, 2007

Alex, Isabella and Math

I stumbled upon a link the other day:,,2068023,00.html
Girls with “feminine names” are less likely to study advanced math or physics, new research concludes. Abigail, Lauren and Ashley, considered less feminine names by the researchers, are more likely to study high-level math and physics than their sisters with the more feminine names of Anna, Elizabeth and Emma.

The effect is so strong that parents can set twin daughters off on completely different career paths simply by calling them Isabella and Alex, names at either end of the spectrum. A study of 1,000 pairs of sisters in the US found that Alex was twice as likely as her twin to take maths or science at a higher level.

What in the name of weird science is this? I have a hard time understanding that people have so much time on their hands that they complete these studies. I find it even odder that there is so much money floating around that somebody was paid for it. Apparently they came up with a mathematical formula to rate a name's femininity and Ashley isn't very feminine. looks like they injected their biases. :-(

I know it's just one data point, but I did a little research on my own. I plugged in "Alex Isabella and Math" into Google. The first two links were to the story quoted above. The very next one was for a Math professor guessed it, Isabella who co-authored (among others) a paper with an Alex. Here's what she has to say:
We construct minimal cellular resolutions of squarefree monomial ideals arising from hyperplane arrangements, matroids and oriented matroids.

Yeehaw! Let's ask the twins whose names frame the femininity rating scale what they think of all of this:

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Movin' On Up

Of course I'm pleased to see the girls climbing on everything. They might be afraid of waves, but heights provide no worries. At the zoo, I'm not sure if the animals or the climbable fences are a greater attraction.



Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Fashion Sense

We usually give the girls a choice in things. We ask them to choose between oatmeal and eggs for breakfast for example. They like feeling empowered. When it comes to dressing, sometimes they choose before we even get into the room. They might have opened up their drawers and dug out a favorite shirt, or they stand there pointing at a dress hanging in the closet. "That one!", "The green one", "This one", shouts of excitement ring out. Sometimes we might not agree with the decision, like wearing big red boots on a really hot summer day, but we'll usually go along. They have their own sense of style.

Monday, July 02, 2007


The wonderful thing about tiggers
Is tiggers are wonderful things
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are made out of springs!
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!

Maybe we've been reading too much Winnie the Pooh to the girls because they go around bouncing on *everything*. But like tigger says, it's "Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!"

(Pardon the poor quality, this video was shot with my still camera)